2018 Voter Analysis

California general election voter data is in, and Paul Mitchell of CA120 breaks down the analysis. Turnout was high (65%) for a midterm election — but not quite as high as presidential elections — and especially among younger people (ages 18-34) and Latinxs (in the seven targeted flip districts, their turnout was as high as in presidential elections, thanks in part to our partner groups/tables like Communities for a New California in Central Valley/CD21 and Orange County Civic Engagement Table Action in Orange County/CD39, CD45, CD48 and CD49).


Motor Voter — the program that automatically registers DMV customers to vote (unless they opt-out) — may have contributed to TJ Cox defeating Republican incumbent David Valadao in CD21, and will likely be a growing factor in upcoming elections. Motor Voter is one of many voter reforms that is critical to ensuring that all eligible people are registered and vote, though it will be under attack as the DMV undergoes an audit of its problematic rollout and conservatives seek to end it in an effort to disenfranchise voters, especially voters of color.


State Legislature

Big business and other interest groups spent a record $360 million on lobbying the state legislature in 2018. The oil industry was in the top ten spenders: Western States Petroleum Association was second, spending over $7.8 million and Chevron was fifth with $3.9 million.


San Diego

Governor Newsom appointed CDT-endorsed San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to the Air Resources Board, the state agency responsible for protecting the public from air pollution and leading state efforts to address climate change.


Inland Empire (IE)

CDT partner, IE United, has filed a lawsuit against the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors for the illegal appointment of Dawn Rowe as 3rd District Supervisor (to replace James Ramos, a leader from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians who was recently elected to the state assembly). They are alleging that the four supervisors violated a state law that is meant to make decisions more transparent, and are advocating for leaders who better represent the demographics and values of the district. Contact Ludovic if you are interested in learning more about IE United and their lawsuit.


Regional Table Partners

Several leaders in CDT’s partner regional tables were selected as Leading Edge Fund Fellows: Ramla Sahid (Engage San Diego), Tamisha Walker (Lift Up Contra Costa), and Vonya Qarles (IE United).


Affordable Housing in California

The LA Times looks at Article 34 of the state constitution, which requires voter approval before public housing is built in a community, making affordable housing harder to build.